Legal and General Paid £763m in Personal Protection Claims in 2020


Legal and General reveals it paid £763m in protection claims last year, accounting for 96% of all claims received.

Legal and General’s 2020 claims data show that the major UK insurer paid:

Legal and General’s Life Insurance Claims in Figures…

Legal and General paid 97% of all Life and Over 50’s Life Insurance claims and 94% of all Terminal Illness claims last year. In total, these claims came to more than £459 million.

The average Life Insurance claim stood at £39,094, while for Terminal Illness claims the average figure was £107,214.

Life Insurance Claims and Covid-19

In relation to Covid-19 Legal and General paid 1,214 claims to help support its customers and their families. Over £39m of claims were paid out where Covid-19 was an attributing factor to someone passing away, with an average payout of £32,287.

Legal and General Critical Illness Cover Claims in Figures…

Legal and General paid out on 2,973 policies for critical illnesses and children’s critical illnesses in 2020. In total, these claims amounted to more than £204 million.

The average age of a Critical Illness Insurance claimant (excluding children) was just 48 years old.

Cancer triggered the highest proportion of claims, accounting for 64% of the total. Heart related (13%) and strokes (7%) occupied the second- and third-most claimed for conditions.

Legal and Generals Income Protection Claims in Figures…

For new claims paid in 2020 plus existing claims carried over from previous years, Legal and General paid 93% of claims.

Legal and General helped 544 people with new and existing Income Protection claims in 2020, with an average monthly claim of £872 being paid.

The most common reasons for Income Protection claims were musculoskeletal problems (32%), cancer (17%) and mental health issues (12%).

The average age of an Income Protection claimant was just 41 years old.

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