How To Compare Income Protection Insurance In The UK

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Income Protection (IP) is also known as Accident and Sickness Insurance. It covers part of your salary if you’re unable to work due to injury or illness. Income Protection allows you to pay your essential outgoings, like your mortgage, utilities, and groceries.

Knowing what policy to choose, however, can be overwhelming. There are a number of dfactors to consider before taking out cover. But where do you even start?

We’ve put together this guide on how to compare UK Income Protection. This will give you an idea of the different things to consider before taking out a policy.

Importance Of Comparing Income Protection

Income Protection Insurance comes with a lot of variable features. There’s no ‘one size fits all’. A policy that works for your friends or colleagues won’t necessarily work for you.

You need to have a good understanding of what’s involved in an Income Protection policy. And once you have an idea of what options will suit you, you need to find a provider that meets those needs.

We’ve created a wide range of Income Protection guides to answer some of the most common questions people have. We have also reviewed the leading UK Income Protection providers so you don’t have too. You can view these using the drop down menu at the top of this page.

Or, if you’re ready to compare Income Protection Insurance prices, you can use our handy online quote tool. This will give you pricing from all the best UK insurers, including Aviva, Royal London, and Vitality 🧐.

Comparing Income Protection Policy Options

As mentioned, there are many aspects to Income Protection cover. You’ll need to compare these features when looking to take out a policy.

Comparing Providers

Before looking in-depth at the policy options, it’s important to be aware that each provider is unique. They all have different attitudes to risk, and different ways of approaching customer care.

For instance, some might offer cover to higher risk occupations whereas others might not. Some may focus more on rehabilitation services, whereas others might focus on early intervention. There are also providers who are more suited if you are in a certain profession such as Doctor, Dentist or Pilot and who offer features such as NHS Sick Pay Mirroring.

This is why it’s important to research Income Protection carefully. You need to understand the features of the policy you’re taking out and compare between providers.


To give you an idea of how providers can vary, we’ve provided an example below. This shows the cost of cover from two different providers, using the following criteria:

  • A healthy 30-year old
  • Non-smoker
  • £2,000 monthly benefit
  • 8 week deferred period
  • A low-risk, office-based role
  • Cover until retirement.

Income Protection Monthly Premiums

L&G logo Zurich



Comparison quotes correct as of February 2023

Definition of Incapacity

As you’ll know by now, your Income Protection provider will pay a claim if you’re incapacitated due to sickness or accident. However, the definition of ‘incapacity’ can vary depending on the provider and the policy you buy.

Generally, you’ll choose between Own, Any, or Suited Occupation as the basis of incapacity.

  • Own Occupation
    This definition allows you to claim on your policy as long as you are unable to perform necessary tasks in your own job
  • Suited Occupation
    With this definition, you won’t be able to claim if you’re still able to work in any job you’re suited for
  • Any Occupation
    You’ll only receive a claim if you are unable to work in any job.

Own occupation is considered the best definition of incapacity. It means you won’t have to take a job you’re overqualified or unsuited for. Compare provider definitions carefully so you know what you’re signing up to.

Level Of Cover

One of the most important aspects of Income Protection insurance is your level of cover. Depending on the provider, you can cover up to 70% of your gross annual income, but the average is around 60%.

Many insurers also cap the maximum amount of Income Protection cover they’ll provide in relation to your salary. For example, Aviva will cover 65% of the first £60,000 you earn each year, and 45% of any annual income beyond that.

To decide your benefit amount, you need to have a clear idea of your incomings and outgoings. If you’re signed off work and not receiving your full salary, you’ll still need to pay for essentials like rent or mortgage payments, household bills, and groceries.


To show how your chosen Income Protection benefit can impact cost, we’ve provided some examples below. All quotes are from Aviva, and the varying cover is based on the following criteria:

  • A healthy 30-year old
  • Non-smoker
  • £30,000 annual salary
  • 8-week deferred period
  • A low-risk, office-based role
  • Cover until retirement.

Different Levels of Cover

% of Salary

Monthly Benefit

Monthly Premium










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As you might expect, taking out the highest level of cover available to you is the most costly option. If you can survive on a smaller proportion of your earnings, this can be a good way to save on your monthly premium.

Deferred Period

This is an example of insurance jargon that sounds complicated. But actually, it’s easy to demystify. A deferred period is simply the length of time you’ll wait between signed off work and your Income Protection claim kicking in.

Providers offer many deferred period options, starting from 1 day and running all the way up to 2 years. In most cases, your chosen deferred period will be determined by two factors:

  • Sick pay
    You need to take into account the amount of sick pay you receive from your employer before you revert to statutory sick pay
  • Emergency savings
    It’s also important to consider how long you can cover your living expenses from your emergency savings pot.

For example, if you receive 4 weeks of sick pay and have 8 weeks of living expenses saved, you might choose a 12-week deferred period. But if you don’t receive any sick pay and have minimal savings, you want as little as a 1-day waiting period.

It’s therefore important to compare which deferral period options each provider offers. You also need to understand how the waiting period impacts the cost of an Income Protection policy.

With a longer deferred period, the risk of having to pay out decreases for an insurer. As a result, a longer waiting period can result in a cheaper policy premium.


We’ve illustrated how benefit level can impact cost with an example below. All quotes are from Liverpool Victoria, and the varying cover is based on the following criteria:

  • A healthy 30-year old
  • Non-smoker
  • £1,500 monthly benefit
  • A low-risk, office-based role
  • Cover until retirement.

Deferral Period







Comparison quotes correct as of February 2023

Long-Term Vs. Short-Term Income Protection

Another important feature to compare is the claim period. In other words: how long the provider will pay out a claim for.

Long-Term Income Protection is the most common kind of policy. This means that if you can’t work, a claim will be paid until one of the following events:

  • You fully recover and go back to work
  • The policy expires due to you reaching retirement age
  • Your cover lapses due to non-payment
  • You cancel your policy
  • You pass away.

Long-Term Income Protection means your provider is accepting the risk of a long-term claim. For example, if you’re unable to ever work again as a result of accident or sickness, a claim could pay out for decades. As such, this kind of cover costs more.

Short-Term Options

Most Income Protection providers offer budget policy options, too. These are known as Short-Term Income Protection. Depending on the provider, you could choose a claim period of 1, 2, or 5 years.

Choosing a Short-Term Income Protection policy is a cost-effective option. But your claim will stop after the agreed period, regardless of whether you’ve recovered.


To give you an idea of how your agreed claim duration can impact cost, we’ve provided an example below. We’ve illustrated how the claims period can impact cost with an example below. All quotes are from Royal London, and based on the following criteria:

  • A healthy 30-year old
  • Non-smoker
  • £1,500 monthly benefit
  • 4-week deferred period
  • A low-risk, office-based role.

Short Term Vs Long Term Cover

2-Year Claim

5-Year Claim

To Retirement




Comparison quotes correct as of February 2023

As you can see, there’s a substantial difference in cost. You need to compare providers carefully to make sure you’re choosing the best option to meet your needs. Our handy Income Protection quote tool can help you do this within seconds 🧐.

Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance

Another option available to you is Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance (MPPI). It’s similar to Income Protection, but the benefit amount relates to your mortgage repayments. Having said that, you can cover an additional 25% of your mortgage repayments to help afford other bills and expenses.

MPPI covers you for accidents, sickness and unemployment. However, it’s only available as short-term cover. Depending on the insurer, the maximum length of each claim will be set at either 12 or 24 months.

Type Of Premiums

When you take out your Income Protection policy, you’ll need to decide what kind of premiums you want. You’ll need to choose between guaranteed, age-banded, or reviewable premiums.

  • Guaranteed Premiums
    Your premiums are guaranteed to remain the same for the life of the policy. If you choose index-linked cover, they will only increase in line with inflation
  • Age-Banded Premiums
    Each year, your premiums will increase by a percentage laid out in your policy documents. This correlates with your age to reflect the increased risk of you claiming as you get older
  • Reviewable Premiums
    Premiums can be ‘reviewed’ on a regular basis by the insurer and increased for many reasons. Providers will consider medical inflation, their own economic performance, and claims trends in any given year.

It’s worth comparing prices from all the insurers you’re considering so you know what you can expect later down the line.

Level Vs. Index-Linked Income Protection

Another feature you’ll need to consider is index-linked Income Protection. Doing so means your benefit, and your premium, will increase each year with the Retail Prices Index (RPI) rate of inflation.

Index-linked Income Protection ensures that your cover increases in line with your living expenses and wages. It prevents inflation from eroding the purchasing power of a future claim. For that reason, it’s usually most suitable for Long-Term Income Protection.

When comparing Income Protection policies, you need to be sure of what you’re signing up for, as well as how this might change in the future. It’s important to see what options are available and which would suit you best.

Adding Unemployment Cover

As a general rule, Income Protection policies only cover you for incapacity through an accident or sickness. However, there are some instances where Unemployment Insurance can be included as an add-on. For an extra premium, it provides cover if you become unemployed as a result of involuntary redundancy.

Where Income Protection covers accident and sickness, PPI is used to cover your outgoings for a short-term period only. It’s typically used for loan repayments and isn’t always suitable for unemployment cover.

Joe Toft, health & wellbeing expert at Drewberry

We advise caution when buying Unemployment Insurance, as these policies often turn out to be Payment Protection Insurance.

Income Protection and Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) are very different, so it’s important to know what you’re getting.

Samantha Haffenden-Angear
Independent Protection Expert

Policy Exclusions

Lastly, you need to look for any exclusions on the cover you want to take out. Some exclusions are fairly universal across most insurers. For example:

  • Self-inflicted injuries
  • Drug or alcohol misuse
  • Travel to a country with active internal conflict, political instability, an active epidemic, or to which the Foreign Office has advised against travel.

Different providers place different exclusions on Income Protection policies based on their attitudes towards risk and customer care.

Where one provider might place exclusions on certain occupations, others might exclude certain hazardous hobbies or pastimes. We provide more detail on this below.

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Personal Factors To Consider When Comparing Income Protection Insurance

As well as choosing aspects of your cover, there are personal factors that will impact the policy too. Certain parts of your lifestyle might lead insurers to assess you as a higher risk of being signed off work.

Different providers approach these factors in different ways, though. Some will exclude incapacity arising for certain reasons, such as a hazardous occupation or hobby. Others might increase your premiums to account for an increase in risk.

It’s important to compare these aspects when taking out your policy, as the cover and cost will vary across the market.


What you do for a living could also affect your Income Protection cover. What one provider views as a high-risk job, another might not. As a result of this, the premiums you pay with one insurer could be much higher than with another.

When an insurer classifies a particular job as high-risk, they often add a loading fee rather than excluding it altogether. Depending on how risky they judge a job role to be, it can become very expensive to take out cover.

Examples of high-risk jobs can include:

  • Pilot
  • Armed Forces
  • Emergency Services
  • Construction Worker
  • Oil Rig Worker
  • Scaffolder
  • Diver.

It’s often surprising which job roles can be classified as high-risk. As a result, it’s always useful to compare different insurers’ risk ratings when it comes to jobs. This way, you can make sure you’re getting the best cover for your own circumstances.


To give you an idea of how costs can vary based on job role, we have provided an example below. The quote compares the cost of Income Protection for a Marketing Manager Vs a Scaffolder. The quotes are both from Aviva and based on:

  • A healthy 30-year old
  • £1,500 monthly benefit with Guaranteed Premiums
  • 4-week deferred period
  • Full term benefit period.

Scaffolder Vs Marketing Manager





☝️ 89% increase for a scaffolder due to being a higher risk

Smoker Status

It can be hard to find the best Income Protection as a smoker. The majority of insurance providers will charge you a higher premium if you smoke. As you might expect, this is due to the increased health risks that come from consuming nicotine.

Despite that, there are a few insurers in the market that take a neutral stance on smoking. If you’re a smoker, it’s worth comparing different insurers to see what their individual stance is.


To help give you an idea of how smoking can affect Income Protection Premiums, we’ve provided an example below. The quotes are both from Vitality and based on:

  • A healthy 30-year old
  • £1,500 monthly benefit with Guaranteed Premiums
  • 4-week deferred period
  • Full term benefit period
  • A low-risk, office-based role.

Smoker Vs Non-Smoker





☝️ 41.3% increase in monthly cost for smokers

rauri taylor, independent protection expert at drewberry

Remember; if you give up smoking, after 12 months of being nicotine free you’ll be classed as a non-smoker. At this point, you can ask your provider to put you on non-smoker rates and save money on your premiums.

Rauri Taylor
Independent Protection Expert

Medical History

When it comes to applying for Income Protection, your medical history is one of the key factors providers will consider. This is because any pre-existing health conditions could have a future bearing on your sickness-related absences from work.

When an insurance provider considers you for cover, your health assessment could result in:

  • Exclusions being placed on your policy
  • The level of cover you can get
  • How much your premiums will cost.

Different insurance providers have different approaches to underwriting. Some disregard certain pre-existing medical conditions, such as type 2 diabetes. Others don’t assess your health if you’re below a certain age. You need to compare what’s on offer to make sure your cover suits your circumstances.

Hazardous Hobbies

The hobbies you undertake in your spare time could also result in you being deemed high-risk. For instance, if you take part in sports such as rock climbing, skiing or hang gliding, there’s an increased risk of you sustaining an injury and being unable to work.

Different providers can have different views on which activities are hazardous. You need to understand how insurers classify certain hobbies, as this can impact the cover you get and the price you pay.

Common Income Protection Questions

  • Does Income Protection pay out a lump sum?

    Unlike Life Insurance policies and Critical Illness Insurance, Income Protection claims are never paid in a lump sum. Depending on your insurance company, Income Protection pays out your benefit on a monthly or fortnightly basis. The idea is that it replaces your regular income when you’re unable to work, so that you don’t have to survive on statutory sick pay alone.

    However, Income Protection policies can provide lump sum payments for a variety of other reasons. For example, many providers pay out if you fracture a bone, become hospitalised, suffer a trauma, or die during the policy term. However, some of these benefits cost extra to add on.

    The lump sum benefits available will vary from insurer to insurer, so make sure you’re comparing these factors between the providers you’re considering.

  • How soon will my claim be paid?

    Insurance providers understand that people need to rely on a claim if they’re unable to work. As such, they try to process your claim as quickly as possible so that the support is there when you need it.

    Even if you have a longer deferral period, it’s best to inform your Income Protection insurer of your incapacity as soon as possible. Doing so allows them to assess your claim so that it’s ready to be paid after your waiting period. You could also use additional services, such as mental health support or physiotherapy, thereby avoiding the need to make a claim.

    Depending on your insurance provider, your income protection payments could be made once or twice per month. This will usually reflect the typical way you’re paid, depending on your industry and role.

  • Are Income Protection payments taxable?

    Providing the monthly premium for your Income Protection plan is paid from a personal account, rather than a business account, your claim won’t be subject to tax. This is because you will have already paid tax on your wages before paying for the cover. Whether you’re employed or self-employed, this will be the case.

    However, tax regulations differ when you pay Income Protection premiums from a business account. It’s important to check with your adviser about how this could impact your cover.

Compare Top 10 UK Income Protection Providers

There are many providers on the market that offer Income Protection. It’s important to compare each of them, as they all offer different kinds of policies and terms.

To help you get started, we’ve provided a list of some of the best Income Protection in the UK below. We’ve also compared some of the additional benefits on offer with each of their policies.


Cover available at tiered levels up to a maximum of £20,833 per month:

  • 65% of your gross income up to £20,000
  • 55% of your gross income between £20,001 and £100,000
  • 45% of your gross income above £100,000.
  • Six times winner of the Best Protection Service award at the Moneyfacts Awards 2017-2022
  • Winner of the Best Online Service award at the Moneyfacts Awards 2022
  • 5-star rating from independent insurance assessor Defaqto in 2021.

Fairly minimal additional benefits compared with other insurers

Aegon applies their ‘activities of daily living’ to many high risk occupations, making the cover more suitable for those only in low risk roles


Aviva provides one of the highest monthly benefits available on the market, up to a maximum benefit of £20,000 per month:

  • 65% of your gross income up to £60,000
  • 45% of your gross income above £60,000.

Special cover available for NHS doctors, surgeons, nurses and midwives

  • Winner: Sustainable Finance Award at the FS Awards in 2022
  • 5-star Defaqto rating.

Aviva DigiCare+ offers a great suite of additional benefits available for free

Aviva has a lower claim rate than many of its competitors, with a payout rate of 85.4% in 2021

British Friendly

During a claim, your benefit is paid weekly rather than monthly


Cover available for riskier occupations including many that involve manual work

  • Highly commended Best Claims Management Team at the Cover Customer Care Awards in 2020
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Career break option available, to suspend cover and premiums for between 3 months and 2 years during the policy term

In 2021, British Friendly had a lower claims payout rate than other providers, paying 84%.

Cirencester Friendly Logo

Split deferral period available, allowing you to receive a partial benefit quickly and your full benefit later on.


Cirencester Friendly is a smoker-neutral insurer, so smokers will not pay a higher premium for their cover.

  • Two-time winner of the Best Income Protection Service at the What Mortgage Awards in 2020 and 2021
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Deferral period of 1 day is available

No budget short-term cover on offer

The Exeter Logo

No routine medical assessment required for those under the age of 42


Income First provides cover for a wide range of professions, including manual workers and skilled trades

  • Winner: Best Income Protection Provider, LifeSearch Awards 2022
  • Winner: Best Income Protection Insurance 2022/2023 Personal Finance Awards
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Deferred period of 1 day is available

Comprehensive additional benefits available through the Health Wise app

Holloway Friendly logo

Holloway Friendly offers flexible cover for those in higher risk occupations


Unlike most other insurers, Holloway Friendly will not deduct state benefits from your monthly payout during a claim

  • Winner: Best Individual Income Protection, COVER Excellence Awards 2019
  • Winner: Best Claims Support, Moneyfacts Awards 2019
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Premium holiday available for taking time off work, redundancy, or career breaks

L&G logo

Cover available at tiered levels, up to a very high maximum benefit of £20,000 per month:

  • 60% of your gross income up to £60,000
  • 50% of your gross income above £60,000

Specialist cover available for NHS Medical Professionals

  • Winner: Best Income Protection Provider, LifeSearch Awards 2022
  • Winner: Best Overall Protection Provider, Mortgage Advice Bureau Awards 2022
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Competitive suite of additional benefits through RedArc Assured Limited

Legal & General only offer an ‘Own Occupation’ definition of incapacity, meaning it is only suitable for low risk workers

Successful claims paid in 2021 were lower than most other providers, at 81%


Specialist cover available for teachers and medical professionals in the public sector

  • Thirteen Times Winner: Best Income Protection Provider, Moneyfacts Awards 2010-2022
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Good range of free additional benefits via LV= Doctors Services, including remote GP, prescription service and second medical opinion

Shortest deferred period is 1 day

Payment holiday available for no-fault unemployment, where LV will pay your premiums for up to 6 months

Shepherd's Friendly

Shepherd’s Friendly offers flexible cover, allowing you to change your benefit level, deferred period and cease age

  • Winner: Outstanding Claims Management Team, COVER Customer Care Awards 2022
  • Winner: Best Protection Service, Moneyfacts Awards 2022
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Career break option available, allowing you to suspend your cover and premiums for a period between 3 months and 2 years

Shepherd’s Friendly only offer age-banded premiums

No cover available for higher risk occupations


12-month deferred period available for public sector workers, aligning to public sector sick pay

  • Gold Award Winner: Best Use of Technology, UK Customer Experience Awards 2022
  • Bronze Award Winner: Best Customer Experience Strategy, UK Customer Experience Awards 2022
  • 5-star Defaqto rating

Vitality allows you to fix your whole benefit amount at the start of the policy. If your salary decreases when you need to claim, you’ll still receive your original benefit in full

Vitality offers various rewards and discounts through their Vitality Programme, but its other additional benefits options are limited


Specialised cover available for doctors and surgeons, with a minimum benefit guarantee of £3,000 and an NHS sick pay guarantee

  • Winner: Best Mental Health Support Service, COVER Customer Care Awards 2022
  • Winner: Customer Champion of the Year, Insurance Times 2022
  • 5-star Defaqto rated

Career break option available, allowing you to reduce your cover to as little as £250 per month for up to 1 year

Successful claims paid in 2021 were lower than many other providers, at 85%

If you’d like a more comprehensive review of each of the leading providers, we’ve put together a complete guide on the best Income Protection providers in the UK 2025.

Comparing Providers’ Claim Rates

Another important factor to look out for when comparing Income Protection providers is the claim payout rate of each insurer. In other words, the percentage of claims a provider receives that are successfully paid out.

It’s good to consider the claims rates alongside the insurer’s terms and policy features. If they have a high claim rate but don’t provide suitable cover, it’s not worth buying.

Below you’ll find published payout rates from insurers over the last three years.













Shepherds Friendly




Cirencester Friendly




Holloway Friendly




British Friendly




Liverpool Victoria




The Exeter








Legal & General




You shouldn’t use payout statistics alone to decide which insurer offers the best Income Protection Insurance. It’s best to use the table as a rough guide to compare across the industry as a whole.

Going Direct VS Speaking With An Adviser

There are two ways you can buy Income Protection cover. The first is to go direct to your chosen provider. The second is to go through an independent advisor. Each is different, but one has much more protection than the other.

From everything we’ve covered above, you can see how much is involved when taking out Income Protection insurance.

It’s not as simple as getting a quick quote and applying online. You need to make sure that any cover you take out fits your personal circumstances, your health and lifestyle.

Going Direct To An Insurer

Everyone hopes never to need their accident and sickness policy. But, if the worst does happen, you want to be sure that the policy will pay out.

If you go direct, your policy is classed as a non-advised sale. This gives you no financial protection if the cover turns out to be unfit for purpose. If you haven’t read the terms or disclosed certain information, you might not be able to make a claim in the future.

Samantha Haffenden-Angear, Independent Protection Expert at Drewberry

To prevent a declined claim, you need a solid understanding of the terms from all the options you’re considering. You’ll want to review and compare all the providers’ policy documents to decide on the best level of cover for you.

Samantha Haffenden-Angear
Independent Protection Expert

Speaking With An Independent Adviser

Having an expert adviser on your side can save you the time and trouble of researching everything yourself. It also offers you financial protection.

When you take out a policy through an adviser, it’s known as an ‘advised sale’. This means that the advisor takes responsibility for the Income Protection cover being suitable for you. If it turns out not to be fit for purpose later, you have financial protection through the Financial Conduct Authority.

Expert advisers, such as the team here at Drewberry, know this kind of protection inside and out. By listening to your needs, they can identify the most suitable providers for you and save you hours of your own time. They can do all the heavy lifting for you; from researching the market to putting the policy in place smoothly.

Get Expert Advice And Compare Income Protection Quotes

Taking out a policy on your own can be a bit of a minefield. On top of that, the cost of Income Protection can vary significantly depending on your policy options and personal circumstances.

Our experts are on hand to answer your questions and negotiate the best possible terms. Like the rest of our clients, you can enjoy peace of mind that you have the best Income Protection policy available to you.

To speak to one of our protection advisers, pop us a call on 02084327333, or email

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We started Drewberry™ because we were tired of being treated like a number.

We all deserve a first class service when it comes to issues as important as protecting our health and our finances. Below are just a few reasons why it makes sense to talk to us.

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