A bit morbid we know, but this tool works out the risk of you passing away based on ONS Life Expectancy Data

Your life expectancy refers to how long you’re estimated to live. It’s based on a variety of factors, such as your sex and your current age.
We’re all living longer than ever, outliving our parents and grandparents before us. This is for a number of reasons, including lower rates of smoking, less dangerous occupations and improvements / advances in healthcare.
However, while this is undoubtedly a good thing, it does mean that retirement arrangements such as pensions are having to stretch for longer to take into account our advancing life expectancy.
How long are you expected to live? It’s important to get an idea of this for a number of reasons, including planning for later life and working out whether Life Insurance is important. This calculator works that out for you so you can be forewarned and forearmed.
Rather than giving you the age at which you’re expected to die, Drewberry’s Life Expectancy Calculator works out your chances of surviving to a given age.
It’s based on life expectancy and mortality calculation from the Office for National Statistics. You simply enter your age and sex and the age you’re hoping to live to. The calculator then returns the probability of you living to your chosen age.
Whether you’re using our Life Expectancy Calculator to work out how long you’ll need your pension for or to see if Life Insurance is worthwhile, it’s worth getting advice to ensure you’re considering
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