Life Insurance Quote

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Drewberry charge for their service?

    We don’t charge a fee for our service. This is because, when it comes to protecting things as important as your health and finances, it shouldn’t cost the earth.

    Instead, we work closely with our providers, and when we set up a policy with one of their products, they provide us with a finder’s fee.

    As a result, we can offer our 5-star service with no fee attached, and you can focus on protecting what’s important to you.

  • Can I take out a policy online?

    You can take out a policy online through Drewberry. Simply select the ‘Apply Online’ option once you’ve completed a quote form.

    If you want to speak to an adviser, select the ‘Call Me’ option. You can also find the details for a Life Insurance expert at the top of the quote results page.

    You’ll only speak to one person from start to finish, with a direct email and phone number to reach them. No need to worry about automated messages or having to explain your situation every time you speak to us.

  • Which providers do we compare?

  • What are the different types of Life Insurance?

    There are a few options for Life Insurance policies to suit people’s individual needs.

    • Level Life Insurance
      This type of Life Insurance will pay out a claim if you pass away or are diagnosed with less than 12 months to live.
    • Critical Illness Cover
      An option you can add to your Life Insurance policy to pay out if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
    • Whole of Life Insurance
      A form of Life Insurance that doesn’t expire after a set term. As long as you keep paying your premiums, your cover can last for the rest of your life paying out on death. Whole of life is most often used for inheritance tax planning and funeral costs.
    • Joint Life Insurance
      A policy designed for couples which will only pay out once for the policyholder who passes away first, even if both people tragically pass away at the same time. For this reason, we usually recommend separate policies.
  • What impacts the price of Life Insurance?

    There are a few main factors that affect the price of your Life Insurance policy:

    • Your age
    • Your health (e.g. any existing health conditions)
    • Your lifestyle (e.g. smoker or non-smoker)
    • How much cover you need
    • The length of your term
    • The type of policy you choose (e.g. level or decreasing, Whole of Life, etc.)
  • How much Life Insurance should I get?

    There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to life insurance. The amount of cover you need will depend on a number of personal and lifestyle factors such as:

    • If you have a mortgage
    • If you have other loans and liabilities
    • The cost of regular family expenses
    • Funeral costs that need to be covered.

    When considering your total level of cover it is important to work out how much your loved ones would need to meet any outstanding costs if you were no longer around.

    You will also need to consider whether they could still afford the lifestyle they currently have. All these factors will play a part in determining how much cover you need.

  • What’s the difference between level and decreasing Life Insurance?

    Level and decreasing are used to describe how (if at all) the cover of your Life Insurance policy changes over time.

    • Level Life Insurance
      With Level Life Insurance the level of cover remains the same throughout the term. Most often used for interest only mortgages, loans and family planning.
    • Decreasing Life Insurance
      Decreasing Life Insurance is commonly used to cover a repayment mortgage. Over time, the level of cover decreases as you repay off more of your mortgage.
  • What is Critical Illness Cover, and do I need it?

    Critical Illness Cover is an optional extra you can add to your Life Insurance policy. It provides a lump sum payment if you were to become seriously unwell. The most common things covered are cancer, heart attack and stroke.

    You can use the lump sum to help repay your mortgage, keep up with bills or adapt your home to suit a new disability.

  • Can we get Joint Life Insurance?

    Yes, you can get Joint Life Insurance. Just ‘Add Partner’ when taking completing your quote.

    Joint Life Insurance is an option for couples who want to protect the same liabilities. It pays out if one of the policyholders passes away first. The problem is they only pay out once, even if both policyholders tragically pass away at the same time.

    We generally recommend getting two separate Life Insurance policies because the price difference is minimal but the cover is much more comprehensive.

  • Can I get Life Insurance if I have existing health conditions?

    You can get Life Insurance with existing health conditions, but it can affect your policy.

    If a health condition is life-threatening or reduces life expectancy, you could either have a premium loading to account for the additional risk or be outright declined cover.

    If a health condition isn’t life-threatening and doesn’t reduce life expectancy, you may be able to get a Life Insurance policy with standard terms.

    Keep in mind that providers will look at:

    • The type of condition
    • When it was diagnosed
    • Any medication/treatment
    • Relevant associated factors (e.g. smoker status)
    • Height/weight

Contact Us

Head Office
7th Floor Corn Exchange
55 Mark Lane
Personal Insurance & Accounts Payable
Telecom House
125-135 Preston Road
Drewberry London Office MapDrewberry Brighton Office Map

If you are unhappy with our service, we have a complaints procedure, details of which are available upon request. If you are unhappy with how your complaint has been dealt with, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS website is

Drewberry is a trading name of Brown & Brown Health and Employee Benefits Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Number 312878. Registered in England and Wales (company number 3910149). Registered address: 7th Floor, Corn Exchange, 55 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NE.


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