Are there any circumstances in which an employee would not qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)?
SSP is paid to employees who are absent from work due to sickness or accident for at least four consecutive days (including non-working days). These four days form what’s known as a Period of Incapacity for Work (PIW).
SSP payments begin from the fourth qualifying day of absence (the first three are unpaid, known as “waiting days”) and are currently set at £116.75 per week (2023/24 rate).
The amount of SSP is fixed, regardless of whether an employee is full-time or part-time – meaning part-time employees receive SSP at the same rate as full-time employees. If an employee has multiple jobs with different employers, they can claim SSP from each employer if eligible.
Employees won’t qualify for SSP if they:
If two or more PIWs are separated by 56 days or less, they’re treated as a single period. This means employees don’t need to wait for the initial unpaid days again.
Employees on sick leave continue to accrue statutory holiday entitlement, so if an employee leaves your business, they’re entitled to payment for any unused accrued holiday.
Sick employees who are unable to take their holiday can carry over up to four weeks’ entitlement to the next year, which must be used within 18 months.
If an employee is phasing their return to work and hasn’t used up their SSP entitlement, they can receive:
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