Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover Skiing?

I go skiing several times per year and wondered if this would be included if I take out a Critical Illness policy?

Question asked by Colin Smith

Cover Depends on the Type of Skiing You Do

Generally, yes. If you ski recreationally on holiday for example, then that’s usually fine.

If something very serious happened to you while skiing that met the specific definition of one of the critical illnesses covered by your insurer, then you would be eligible for a claim.

Assuming your cover has been set up correctly, then you could be covered for one of the critical illnesses on the insurer’s lists called total permanent disablement, for example. This is if the injury you suffered was severe enough to leave you unable to perform your normal occupation on a permanent basis.

The exception to this with most insurers is if you were skiing off-piste for example or you competed in skiing competitions as a sport.

In this case, you would be excluded from any future claim if an injury arose from that. This is because it is seen as much more dangerous by the insurers and therefore likely to result in increased risk of claims as a whole.

The importance of speaking to an expert

As not all critical illness insurers apply the same terms, it’s best to speak to an adviser who can find out for you which insurers are likely to cover your level of skiing.

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