Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover Diving?

I’ve recently started a diving course and I’m thinking about potentially making a career out of it if it goes well. As we’ve just had another child we are thinking of taking out a critical illness policy to cover the mortgage if anything should happen to either myself or my wife. Would diving be covered under the policy?

Question asked by Matt Thomas

Obtaining Critical Illness Cover with a hobby such as diving

For anyone involved in diving this is usually one of the first questions asked when investigating Critical Illness Insurance.

Due to the nature of diving, and the range of additional risks associated with this activity, insurers will certainly ask further questions before making a decision on how this may affect a Critical Illness policy.

Although each insurer will ask slightly different questions, broadly speaking they will be looking at the maximum depths, frequency of dives, and any high risk diving such as wreck or cave diving.

Generally speaking if you are just partaking in holiday diving or relatively infrequent dives, and not high risk depths or locations, this can usually be included as standard under the policy.

For divers considered higher risk, insurers may need to consider additional information such as any qualifications you may have, whether you are a novice or sports diver and so on. If considered too high risk you may find that diving is excluded from the cover.

If you dive regularly and would like to know if there are any insurers that are likely to offer you cover without an exclusion, then please get in touch and one of our advisers can speak to all leading critical illness insurers on your behalf.

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