Can We Get Joint Critical Illness Cover?

My husband and I have just purchased our first home together and we’re looking for Critical Illness protection. Is it possible to get joint cover? And would it be more cost-effective than two separate policies?

Question asked by Olivia Butler

Joint Critical Illness Cover Explained

Yes, you can get joint Critical Illness Cover which will insure 2 people under the same plan. Some couples choose this option to reduce costs and simplify their monthly payments. 

However, be aware that a number of joint policies will only pay out once. Meaning if one of you makes a claim, the policy ceases. The other person is then no longer covered in the event of an illness.

Consider Joint Plans With Dual Cover

Some providers offer ‘dual cover’ products which will continue insuring the other person if one of you makes a claim. 

Providers such as Guardian and Royal London offer policies that pay out twice rather than just once. So if you opt to buddy up on a policy, you’ll both be protected, regardless of if the other person claims. 

Is Joint Critical Illness Cover Cheaper?

The cost difference between two plans and a joint one is often pretty insignificant. Joint Critical Illness Plans tend to have slightly cheaper monthly premiums – around 10% lower than 2 separate plans. 

Just make sure you get a policy dual cover if you want the option of 2 payouts, as most insurers will end the policy after one of you claims.

There’s a lot to think about, which is why it’s important to get financial advice before deciding.

Is It Right For You? Get Independent Advice

Insurance is hugely personal. So which product is best will depend on your unique circumstances. 

Our team of experts live and breathe insurance, and are ready to chat about your Critical Illness needs. For fee-free advice and access to the most competitive rates, give us a call on 02084327333 or email us at

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