Can I Get Critical Illness Insurance as a Smoker?

I’ve been a smoker since my late teens. I’m now 30 and getting my first mortgage. I want to know that my bills will be paid if I were to get cancer, which led me to look at Critical Illness Cover. Can I get this having been a smoker for so long?

Question asked by Gemma Stone

Obtaining Critical Illness Insurance as a smoker

Yes, it’s still possible to get Critical Illness Cover as a smoker, but you’ll likely have to pay more than a non-smoker would. 

Critical Illness Insurance covers you against the risk of serious illnesses such as cancer, heart attack and stroke, as well as many other serious illnesses.

If you get sick, the policy will pay out a lump sum which you can use however you like. Such as paying off the mortgage or making home improvements to accommodate your health needs. 

Smokers should expect to pay more than non-smokers

The good news is, you can still get Critical Illness cover as a smoker, but your monthly premiums will likely be expensive – around 50% more than a non-smoker. This is because smokers typically are at higher risk of getting sick. 

You can get a quote here comparing all the leading insurers who offer Critical Illness protection to smokers.

Does it depend on how much I smoke?

Some insurers differentiate between a light and heavy smoker by asking how many cigarettes you smoke per day. The threshold is usually 10 cigarettes a day – less than 10 is considered a light smoker, while more than 10 is deemed heavy.

What about e-cigarettes and vaping?

The e-cigarette phenomenon threw insurers at first. But now the vast majority consider vaping on the same level as smoking tobacco. So if you vape, expect your premiums to be the same as if you were puffing on cigarettes (around 50% higher).

When are you considered a non-smoker?

If anything was to give you the motivation to stop smoking, it’s seeing a big pot of money at the end of the road💰.

The good news is if you go 12 months without smoking, most insurers will consider you a non-smoker.

To take advantage of these lower premiums, you just need to declare yourself a non-smoker and pass a cotinine test. Your insurer will then reduce your premium (we can help you with this).

Get Independent Advice

If you’re worried about getting Critical Illness protection as a smoker, we’re here to help. We live and breathe insurance, and are here to chat about what’s best for you. 

No fees, just free advice and access to the most competitive rates. Give us a call on 02084327333 or email us at

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