Calling all Men! Are You At Risk From Heart Disease?


Do you work long hours? Not spend enough time taking care of your fitness? You know who you are, the first in the office the last one to leave. Well it’s time to change.

According to recent research, unfit men who work long hours are more likely to die from heart disease.

The research was conducted over a 30 year period on 5,000 Danish men aged between 40-59.


  • Men working more than 45 hours a week had an increased risk of dying from heart disease, compared to those working less than 40 hours a week.
  • No increased risk of dying from heart disease for men who were physically fit and worked more than 40 hours a week.

Senior cardiac nurse Cathy Ross of the British Heart Foundation said: “We already know that working long hours can increase blood pressure, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

“Being physically active helps to control your blood pressure and previous studies have shown that being physically fit can help you cope with the demands of long hours, physically demanding jobs and shift work.

“This study adds to these findings by demonstrating that men who are physically active as part of their everyday life do not increase their risk of coronary heart disease, irrespective of the number of hours they work.”

Jobs are demanding and can take their toll on your health, if you work long hours its vital you look after your fitness. You only have one life so take care of it, because if you don’t who else will?

Why Health Insurance?

Those individuals under a high level of stress working all the hours available especially those who are self-employed always want to minimise any downtime. The health insurance products on the market today are no longer purely reactive i.e. you get ill thus you receive treatment.

Many of the leading policies have elements promoting healthy living, encouraging you to improve your health and help to lower your risk of getting ill. From discounted gym memberships to points for healthy eating, the plans are designed to help motivate you to stay in tip-top shape.

If you are one of the many working every waking hour and want to ensure you can receive the best possible medical care should you need it, whilst having a tool to help keep the rest of your life in check then health insurance should be a serious consideration.

We are here to make insurance simple and affordable should you require any guidance, information or medical insurance quotes from the leading insurers please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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