The 2024 Drewberry™ Employee Benefits And Workplace Satisfaction Survey

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Welcome to the fourth edition of the Drewberry Employee Benefits And Workplace Satisfaction Survey. The results are in for 2024, and we’ve got a lot to unpack.

As an employee benefits consultancy, Drewberry™ wanted to understand how UK employees really feel about their workplace. We’ve been carrying out this survey annually since 2021, and this year we surveyed 989 working-age professionals across the UK.

The Headlines

  • 🙂 Employees Are Generally Happy…
    68% of employees are happy in their current job, this is a slight increase from last year (66%). The top reasons given for their happiness were having a good work-life balance (74%) and having good relationships with colleagues (69%).
  • 🏃‍♂️ …But Most Are Prepared To Move On In The Next Year
    51% of employees are considering a job move in the next 12 months. And with almost a third having a negative outlook on their company’s future, it’s probably time to review your retention strategy. 
  • 😖 Employees Are Feeling The Stress, Both In And Outside Work
    36% of employees said they feel stressed at work all of the time or frequently, and it’s not just during office hours where they’re feeling the pressure. 40% said that thinking about their job is what causes them stress outside of work.
  • 🌱 Employers Are Getting Hot On Corporate Social Responsibility
    The majority of employees feel positively about their employer’s approach to sustainability, inclusivity, and wellbeing. But there’s still work to be done.
  • 💷 Employee Finances Are Improving
    While the cost of living remains high, the number of employees feeling worse off has decreased, with most employees feeling the same or better off financially compared to previous years. Some are even diversifying their income through side hustles.
  • 🌟 There’s Work To Be Done On Employee Benefits
    50% of employees are ‘very satisfied’ or ‘somewhat satisfied’ with their employee benefits. This is up from 48% last year, however there’s still work to be done. Flexibility remains high on their agenda of most-valued perks.
top employee benefit 2021 statistics

Top Stories From The Report

Over Half Of UK Employees Are Happy In Their Job

We asked employees questions about their happiness at work, their current benefits package, and what matters most to them when it comes to an employer. Here’s what we found:

How Happy Are Employees?
68% of employees said they feel happy in their current workplace
74% said good work-life balance was the key to their workplace happiness
49% of workers said low salary was the main reason for unhappiness, followed by micromanagement (48%)

Most Employees Are Happy In Their Current Workplace

Employees are slightly happier in their jobs this year. 68% of respondents said they were “very” or “fairly” happy in their current role, compared to 66% last year.

Work-Life Balance And Good Relationships With Colleagues Are Top Happiness Factor

Once again, a good work-life balance was the key source of happiness at work.

  • 74% said good work-life balance
  • 69% said “good relationships with colleagues”
  • 62% said “trust to manage their own workload”
  • 49% said “recognition of efforts”.

Salary And Cultural Issues Are The Biggest Factor For Unhappiness

When it comes to what makes employees unhappy, the top reason was low salary (49%). This was followed by:

  • Being micromanaged (48%)
  • Lack of recognition (47%)
  • Lack of faith in senior management (46%)
  • Bad internal communication (45%).

Employee Happiness: The Lowdown

It sounds obvious, but ensuring a happy workforce is the key to higher productivity and lower turnover rates. But it’s easier said than done, and pizza parties and ping pong tables won’t cut it in 2024. It takes daily actions and self awareness to truly engage employees: supporting them, showing appreciation, and creating a positive atmosphere.

Simple things like saying thank you can make a huge difference to morale, along with challenging them with meaningful projects that stimulate and grow their skills. Check out our top ways to engage employees in 2024.

51% Of Employees Are Ready To Move Jobs

Despite being happy in their jobs, over half of employees are considering a job move in the next 12 months. And with almost a third having a negative outlook on their company’s future, it’s probably time to review your retention strategy.

Are Employees Looking To Leave?
29% have a somewhat or very negative outlook for their company’s future
71% would move jobs for better pay and benefits
51% are ready to move jobs in the next 12 months
Jobseekers value a potential employer’s working environment above all else

Almost A Third Of Employees Have A Negative Outlook For Their Company

When asked whether they had a positive outlook for their company over the next five years, 29% said no or not really.

  • 48% somewhat
  • 20% not really
  • 17% very
  • 9% not at all.

The Majority Of Employees Are Ready To Move Jobs

Having a negative outlook could explain why over 51% of employees said they’re looking to move jobs in the next 12 months.

  • 33% would move if the right opportunity came up
  • 18% are actively looking
  • 49% are planning to stay put.

Better Benefits And Pay Is The Top Reason For Employees Leaving

So what’s making employees consider jumping ship? The top reason given was better pay and benefits (71%), followed by better:

  • Work-life balance / flexible working (44%)
  • Career progression (33%)
  • Culture (24%).

A Positive Working Environment Matters Most When Choosing An Employer

It’s not just better pay and benefits that seem to be important factors for employees. When asked, “What matters most to you when it comes to an employer?”, a positive working environment came out on top (71%), followed by:

  • Flexible / convenient working hours (57%)
  • High salary (50%)
  • A good benefits package (41%).

Employee Loyalty: The Lowdown

You can’t take your employees’ loyalty for granted. Your top talent knows its value, and is more ready than ever to move to another employer.

Experienced employees provide stability for your business, resulting in less money spent on recruitment and training new hires. So, ensure a strong retention strategy is on your priorities list. Consider things such as the quality of your benefits package, learning and development opportunities, continuous valuable feedback, and other initiatives.

Under Pressure: Stress Takes a Toll on UK Employees In And Out of Work

Stress is a constant companion for UK employees, and it’s not just limited to office hours. The pressures of work are spilling over into personal time, affecting overall wellbeing.

How Stressed Are Employees?
91% of employees experience stress in the workplace
36% said they feel either frequently or constantly stressed at work
40% are worrying about work, even when they’re not there
Family issues (47%) & money worries (40%) are biggest causes of stress

Majority Of Employees Are Feeling Stressed

A large proportion of the UK workforce is stressed, with 91% of employees saying they feel stressed at work.

  • 55% stated they “sometimes” feel stressed at work
  • 28% said they “frequently” feel stressed
  • 8% said they feel stressed “all the time”.

Employees aren’t just feeling stressed at work. 86% said that they felt stress outside of work too.

Family Issues And Money Worries Are Top Stressors Outside Of Work

When asked what causes their stress outside of work, the top reasons given were:

  • Family issues (47%)
  • Money worries (40%)
  • Thinking about work (40%).

Employee Stress: The Lowdown

Workplace stress isn’t just bad for your team – it’s bad for your business. When employees feel overwhelmed, they struggle to focus and are more likely to make mistakes. Stress is also a big cause of sick days and high turnover, costing you time and money in the long run.

When working on your people and culture strategy, think about how you can create a supportive environment that promotes work-life balance. Whether it’s encouraging flexible work schedules, mental health support, or regular check-ins – consider how you can make employees feel more valued, boost morale, and ultimately reduce stress.

Wellness Wins: Employee Sickness Rates Steady with Strong Support

Employee sickness remains consistent compared to last year, with the majority of employees not taking any sick days in the last 12 months. Those who’ve had to take time off have felt “very supported” by their employers.

Are Employees Taking Absence?
43% have had no sick days in the last 12 months
43% felt very well supported by their employer while absent

Employees Are Taking Fewer Sick Days

43% of employees have taken no time off in the last 12 months. A further 26% have taken less than a week.

Most Employees Feel Supported While Absent From Work

For those we surveyed that had been absent from work within the last 12 months, 43% felt “very well supported” by their employer.

  • 35% felt “somewhat supported”
  • 14% said they were “not supported at all”.

Most Employers Offer Up To Six Months Paid Sick Leave

Part of the reason employees said they felt “very supported” while off could be due to the fact that a third receive full-pay sick leave for up to six months – that’s a great level of support.

Employee Absence: The Lowdown

It can’t always be avoided, but employee absence is disruptive to your business. When team members are frequently away from work, it puts additional pressure on co-workers and brings productivity down. Offering perks such as Health Cash Plans or Private Medical Insurance can help address minor illnesses before they become a bigger problem.

While our survey shows that the majority of employees haven’t taken any time off, workplace stress is up.

And a May 2024 study by Metlife UK found that almost two-thirds of employees haven’t called in sick, even when they need to recover. It’s worth reflecting on your culture when it comes to employee sickness, and assessing whether employees feel safe taking the time they need when unwell.

Employers Are Getting Hot On Corporate Social Responsibility

The majority of employees feel positively about their employer’s approach to sustainability, inclusivity, and wellbeing. But there’s still work to be done.

Are Employers Doing Enough For Sustainability, Diversity, And Wellbeing?
42% feel their employer handles sustainability and environmental issues well
64% feel positively about their employer’s approach to inclusivity
24% think their employer is lacking when it comes to their mental and physical wellbeing

Employers Are Committing To Sustainability

It’s encouraging to see that many employers are making strides in sustainability. When asked if they think their employer approaches sustainability and environmental issues well, 42% of employees agreed.

  • 13% strongly agree
  • 29% agree
  • 11% disagree
  • 8% strongly disagree.

Diversity And Inclusion Is Firmly On The Radar

It’s not just sustainability that employees think their employers are committed to. When asked if they think their employer commits to diversity and inclusivity, over a quarter strongly agreed.

  • 28% strongly agree
  • 36% agree
  • 6% disagree
  • 6% strongly disagree.

Employee Wellbeing Needs Work

When asked how well they think their employer prioritises their mental and physical wellbeing, 45% agreed or strongly agreed. However, nearly a quarter disagreed.

  • 15% strongly agree
  • 30% agree
  • 13% disagree
  • 11% strongly disagree.

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Lowdown

There are no losers when you prioritise your business’s corporate social responsibility. Not only do sustainable practices benefit the planet, but you’ll build more brand affinity with your customers and employees by doing so.

When it comes to diversity, a workforce made up of people from different backgrounds ensures a blend of differing perspectives are heard, bringing unique ideas and solutions to the table.

And when employees feel good both mentally and physically, they’re more focused, motivated, and engaged in their work. Whether it’s ethical pensions or Employee Assistance Programmes, socially conscious initiatives will create a more dynamic, engaged, and successful organisation that’ll put you ahead of your competition.

Employee Finances Are Improving

While the cost of living remains high, the number of employees feeling worse off has decreased, with most employees feeling the same or better off financially compared to previous years. They’re also looking at diversifying their income through side hustles.

How Are Employees Feeling Financially?
70% of workers are feeling the same or better off financially compared to last year (53%)
30% have started or are thinking about starting a side hustle to improve their financial situation
31% are getting extra income from paid research and surveys (how meta!), with 28% setting up their own businesses
52% are ready to ditch the 9-5 for their side hustle

Employee’s Financial Situations May Be Improving

Financial wellbeing is a crucial aspect of overall employee satisfaction and stability. Encouragingly, our latest survey indicates a positive shift in employees’ financial situations, with 25% feeling better off compared to this time last year.

This is a 56% increase from our 2023 Benefit and Workplace Satisfaction Survey.

  • 25% feel “better off” financially than they were last year (56%)
  • 45% said they feel “the same” (21%)
  • 29% feel “worse off” (58%).

Some Employees Are Seeking Higher Salaries

Despite more employees feeling financially better off, 20% are actively seeking higher-paid jobs, and 15% plan to start a side hustle.

Some Employees Are Turning To Side Hustles

It’s fascinating to see that 12% of employees have already embraced the side hustle, balancing extra projects alongside their regular jobs.

So, what’s driving this entrepreneurial spirit? The top reasons include:

  • Having more money to spend on themselves (38%)
  • To top up low wages (28%)
  • Wanting to spend more time pursing interests (20%).

The most popular form of employee side hustle is paid research/surveys (31%), followed by their own business (23%) and freelance services, such as writing or photography (18%).

Over Half Of Employees Would Pursue Their Side Hustle Full-Time

While 44% of those surveyed are content to stay put, 38% would ditch the 9-5 if their side hustle was profitable enough. 14% said they’d be keen to take the leap, regardless.

Employee Finances: The Lowdown

There’s no denying that the cost of living is front of mind for most workers. While they aren’t feeling the pinch as much compared to last year, it’s still a very real issue.

Money worries affect other areas of your employees’ lives and are a significant cause of stress. As a result, they may be less productive, struggle with sleep, and take more sick days.

Workplace financial education can go a long way, helping staff learn about money management that they may find difficult teaching themselves and understanding on their own. Read more about helping employees through the cost of living crisis.

As an employer, you can also give your employees access to a discount scheme or offer salary sacrifice benefits such as Techscheme, Cyclescheme or Electric Car Schemes to help them save money and make their income stretch further.

Nick Nelms
Senior Consultant, Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits Overhaul: What Workers Really Want

Nearly 1 in 5 employees are unsatisfied with the benefits they currently get, and flexibility remains high on their agenda of most-valued perks.

How Do Employees Feel About Their Benefits?
Remote working is the most popular benefit offered by employers (45%), after the mandatory pension schemes

Employees are divided over benefit satisfaction, with only 50% saying they’re happy with their current package

89% say they somewhat or fully understand their benefits
34% don’t get regular communications around their perks
32% say they value their flexible and hybrid working benefits the most
39% want their employer to offer a reduced working week more than any other benefit

Remote Working Is The Most-Offered Voluntary Benefit

After the mandatory pension benefit, the top three benefits employees receive include:

Flexible And Hybrid Working Is Employees’ Most-Valued Benefit

Of all the benefits they currently receive, employees are most grateful for the opportunity to work flexibly, with 32% valuing flexible and hybrid working above all else. Social activities are the least valued, with less than 1% of the vote.

Employees Divided Over Their Current Benefits Package

So the above shows us what employees currently get, but are they actually happy with their benefits package? When asked, “How satisfied are you with your current company benefits?” 24% said that they were dissatisfied.

Employees Want A Reduced Working Week

If employees had a choice, what benefits would they want their employer to offer? No surprise, the four-day/reduced working week received the largest share of the vote, followed by flexible working / hybrid working.

  • Four-day / reduced working week (39%)
  • Flexible working / hybrid working (27%)
  • Private Health Insurance (25%).
Nadeem Farid Head of Employee Benefits at Drewberry

1 in 5 employees want employers to offer insurance to protect their loved ones (such as Group Income Protection and Group Critical Illness Cover). These are core benefits that are quick and easy to implement.

Nadeem Farid
Head of Health & Wellbeing Benefits

Employees Generally Understand Their Benefits

When it comes to understanding their benefits, almost half (44%) of those surveyed said that they “fully understand” them. However, 45% only “somewhat understood” and 5% admitted to having no understanding at all.

If 50% of employees don’t fully understand their benefits, how can they really appreciate their value? This could go some way to explaining why 24% are dissatisfied with what their employers are offering.

Employers Need To Up Their Communications Game

In order for employees to truly understand what benefits are on offer and how to use them, communication is key. However, only 23% of employees said they receive regular communication from their employer regarding their benefits.

  • 44% said “sometimes”
  • 23% said “regularly”
  • 17% said “only when joining the company”
  • 17% said “never”.

This highlights a golden opportunity for employers. Boosting regular, clear, and engaging communication about benefits can significantly enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.

When employees fully understand and appreciate their benefits, they feel more valued and motivated. By investing a little effort into better communication, employers can reap the rewards of a happier, more productive workforce.

Employee Benefits: The Lowdown

Employee benefits are essential for supporting your team’s physical, mental, and financial health, but they need to align with the genuine needs of your employees. Offering benefits that employees really want is the key to positive engagement and work performance. So it’s important to get it right.

Setting up and maintaining a competitive employee benefits package requires a decent bit of admin, which quickly becomes time consuming. We do the heavy lifting for you, giving you more time to focus on what matters.

If you need help setting up group insurance or reviewing existing cover, give us a call on 02074425880 or email

Conclusion: Our Thoughts

This survey shines a light on what truly matters to today’s workforce. It’s not just about the paycheck anymore – our employees are craving balance, recognition, and meaningful benefits. With half of the workforce ready to jump ship for better pay and a more supportive work environment, it’s clear we need to rethink how we engage and retain talent.

From flexible work schedules to robust pension plans, the game has changed. As leaders, we need to step up and ensure our workplaces aren’t just places to work, but places where people feel empowered and valued. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, inject some fun into the process, and build workplaces where teams can truly thrive.

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