What’s the Best Income Protection for Smokers?

I’m a smoker and I have been told that smokers pay more for insurance including Income Protection due to the health risks.

Question asked by Chris Giles

How the insurers view applicants that are smokers

You are correct in that most insurers will charge smokers a higher premium for income protection insurance than non smokers.

The premium could be as much as double for a smoker compared to a non-smoker depending on your age and any other underlying health issues.

However, not every insurer looks at smoking unfavourably despite its health risks. Certain insurers offer what’s known as ‘smoker neutral’ rates, where they do not take into account your smoking status when applying for cover.

Get in Touch…

With Income Protection there are many factors other than the price of the premium to take into account when working out which is the best product for you.

Therefore I’d suggest that you give our advisers a call on 02084327333. They will be able to talk you through the options available and provide you with some quotes from across the marketplace.

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