Can I Get Critical Illness Cover With Diabetes?

I’ve recently got my first mortgage and have been advised to get Critical Illness Cover by a friend, but I’ve got diabetes. Would I be able to get this kind of insurance?

Question asked by Gordon Handsome

Getting Critical Illness Cover With Diabetes? Watch Our FAQ Video

Wondering whether you can get Critical Illness Cover if you have diabetes? We’ve got Drewberry’s Independent Protection Expert, Alex Weir, to give you a quick, clear answer. Just press play! 👇

What Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover?

Critical Illness Cover will pay you a lump sum if you suffer a severe illness such as cancer, heart attack, stroke or motor-neurone disease. It is designed to pay off your mortgage or provide a lump sum to you or your family to spend how you please.

Getting Cover If You Have Diabetes…

Whether or not you can get Critical Illness Cover if you have diabetes will depend on a number of factors. One of these being the type of diabetes you have.

  • Type 1 Diabetes – typically diagnosed at childhood when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
  • Type 2 Diabetes – is diagnosed as a middle aged adult usually with high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Unfortunately if you have Type 1 Diabetes the likelihood is that you won’t be able to get cover. However if you have well controlled Type 2 Diabetes with no complications you do have more options.

The cover you get will depend on the insurer you go to. This is because they will all take a different stance on Diabetes. Some will increase your premiums due to you being higher risk. Others may just exclude Diabetes and related conditions all together.

Need Expert Help?

Each individuals case will be different when it comes to taking out cover. Because of this it’s always a good idea to get expert advice.

The team at Drewberry have a wealth of experience when it comes to dealing with various different medical disclosures. This experience can really help you refine which insurers to look at, to make sure you go with one that will look after you and your particular needs.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch, give us a call on 02084327333 or email us on

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