The volcanic ash cloud that has hung over most of Europe for the past week or so is believed to have cost businesses £3m per day.
Absence caused by transport delays and cancellations on your average day has around 3,000 cases; on Monday(19/04) there were 20,300 cases according to absence management firm FirstCare.
Aaron Ross, chief executive of FirstCare, said: “The high level of non-medical related absence is reminiscent of the snow chaos cause at the beginning of the year and at an average direct cost of £168 per day of absence, it will cost UK business over £3m a day.
The effect on businesses is not just in days lost for employees still trying to return but also many individuals who have been looking after dependants of those who are stranded are unable to return to work also due to their commitment to looking after these dependants.
With global communication and the transfer of information many have been able to utilise their laptop and the internet to struggle on.
No one can plan for these events, we can only do our best to make it easier for individuals to work away from their desk. With mobile phones, laptops and programs to link into your organisations intranet from anywhere in the world we can to an extent keep the wheels turning, even in times of chaos.
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