Get 2 MONTHS FREE Life Insurance
for NHS Workers

Given the amazing job the NHS and the UK’s medical practitioners, carers and other staff are doing right now, we are offering 2 months of FREE cover to all frontline NHS workers who set up a new policy.

thank you nhs

Keep doing what you are doing, just make sure you are suitably protected 😊

Simply fill in the form and instantly see quotes comparing the UK’s Top 10 Life Insurance plans. If you need any help don’t hesitate to pop us a call on 02084327333.

Why People Take Out Life Insurance…

  • Life Insurance pays out a tax free cash lump sum to be paid to your loved ones should you pass away.
  • Provides you with the peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be financially safe should the worst happen.
  • Option to include critical illness insurance to provide a cash lump sum should you suffer a serious illness such as cancer, heart attack or stroke.
Simply fill in the form and instantly see quotes comparing the UK’s Top 10 Life Insurance policies. If you need any help don’t hesitate to pop us a call on 02084327333.

Compare Top 10 UK Insurers

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Risk of you passing away

Although Life Insurance is not compulsory it is worth considering this plan if you have a family and/or outstanding debt such as a mortgage or loan.

Based on ONS life expectancy data (2012-14), the chances of someone passing away in the next 10 years are as follows:

Age 35
Age 45
Age 55
1 in 62
1 in 29
1 in 12

How Does the Drewberry Cashback Scheme Work?

  • Landing on this page entitles you to 2 months of FREE Life Insurance after you’ve held a policy with us for 3 months.
  • Fill in the form to the right or give us a call on 02084327333 quoting the code VC2MF to get access to your discount.
  • You’ll receive a rebate in your bank account worth 2 months of premiums after you’ve held the policy for 3 months.

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7th Floor Corn Exchange
55 Mark Lane
Personal Insurance & Accounts Payable
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125-135 Preston Road
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Drewberry is a trading name of Brown & Brown Health and Employee Benefits Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Number 312878. Registered in England and Wales (company number 3910149). Registered address: 7th Floor, Corn Exchange, 55 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NE.


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