Calculate the tax savings you can make by taking out a company paid Relevant Life Insurance policy instead of a personal Life Insurance policy.
Relevant Life Insurance is a type of Life Insurance that is owned and paid for by a business. It is underwritten based on the life of a single individual. The policy is placed in a specially-created trust at the outset to hold any payout should it occur, shielding the benefit from inheritance tax.
Many small business owners could benefit from the tax efficiencies this cover can provide over paying for a Life Insurance policy personally.
As an accountant, one of your many jobs for clients who are directors of their own limited company is to help save them tax. If they’re considering paying for Life Insurance out of their own pocket, in this light it may be worth suggesting Relevant Life Insurance instead.
Here we look at Relevant Life Cover in more detail and specifically how it can help small business owners save money.
Given that many small business owners haven’t heard of Relevant Life Insurance, just mentioning it represents another opportunity for accountants to add value for their clients.
Tom Conner
Director at Drewberry
Relevant Life Cover can be a very tax-efficient method of providing Life Insurance for:
In practical terms, Relevant Life cover proves very popular with the owners of small businesses where the company doesn’t have a Group Life Insurance scheme, most commonly because the company is too small to provide one.
Providing there is a company vehicle set up to pay for the cover, Relevant Life Insurance can cover any employee of that company, although as mentioned it’s most commonly used by people such as contractors who work through their own limited company.
We’ve seen a notable uptick of Relevant Life Insurance amongst micro-businesses over the past few years and have been able to help a huge number of directors get the Life Insurance they’re looking for and all for a lower price once tax savings are taken into account.
Small businesses often don’t have the number of employees needed for a Group Life Insurance scheme, which means they can potentially miss out on some of the tax-efficient benefits of having Life Insurance paid for by the company.
Relevant Life Cover addresses this by allowing smaller businesses to offer Life Insurance for a single employee, with tax benefits similar to that of a Group Life Insurance Scheme.
Naturally that single employee could be the owner of the business, and more than one policy can be taken out to cover more than one employee.
As premiums for Relevant Life Cover are paid through the client’s business, any benefit paid out:
What’s more, the premiums will:
The actual amount of the saving over personal cover will depend on the employee’s / business owner’s marginal rate of income / dividend tax.
Take John, a company director who pays himself a dividend…
John remunerates himself via a basic salary up to the National Insurance threshold and pays the remainder in dividends. John plans to take out life cover with a monthly premium of £100.
Factoring in both corporation tax (at 19%) and dividend tax (at the higher marginal rate of 32.5%), if John were paying for the cover from his personal income (i.e. dividends) the business would need to generate a profit before tax of £182.90 to fund his premium.
If the business pays for a Relevant Life policy it means there are no associated costs to personal income. This means the effective cost for £100 per month worth of cover once Corporation Tax relief has been applied would be £81.00 per month.
By opting for Relevant Life Cover, John is effectively saving a total of £101.90 per month which is £1,222.80 per annum, and represents a 55.7% reduction in total cost.
Sally, another company director and higher-rate taxpayer
Sally was looking to pay for Life Insurance out of PAYE earnings. Sally pays a 40% marginal rate of income tax and pays 2% in National Insurance contributions. She’s looking to buy £100 of life cover out of her own pocket.
Factoring in income tax and both employee and employer National Insurance contributions, if Sally were to pay for cover from her personal income the gross cost to the business to fund the premium would be £196.21 per month.
However, with corporation tax relief this falls to £158.93 per month.
As the business pays for the Relevant Life policy it means there are no associated costs to personal income, which means the effective cost for £100 per month worth of cover once Corporation Tax relief has been applied would be £81.00 per month.
By opting for Relevant Life Cover, Sally is saving a total of £77.93 per month which is £935.16 per annum, and represents a 49% effective saving.
Despite the significant savings Relevant Life cover can provide for company directors, research from Legal & General has found that 63% of directors had never heard of this type of cover.
To try and address this, Drewberry has developed and recently launched a Relevant Life Insurance Calculator as per below which demonstrates the potential savings for clients covering both traditional employees and Company Directors receiving dividends.
Samantha Haffenden-Angear
Business Protection Expert at Drewberry
Drewberry helps hundreds of small businesses form across the UK every year arrange protection plans such as Relevant Life Cover, Key Person Insurance and Shareholder Protection Insurance. We also provide advice on pensions and investments.
We started Drewberry because we were tired of being treated like a number and not getting the service we all deserve when it comes to things as important as protecting our health and our finances. Below are just a few reasons why it makes sense to let us help.
We aim to provide a five-star service and 99% of clients would recommend us.
Drewberry is currently the only website in the UK where clients can compare online quotes across all major insurers for Relevant Life Insurance and Key Person Insurance.
We thought the traditional way of introducing a client was a little antiquated and lacked transparency, send your partner an email and hope for the best! We like to do things properly and we wanted to make this experience better.
So we built our partnership portal, you can log in to your portal and have complete information on the clients you have introduced and know they are being dealt with in a professional manner. You can click here to demo our partnership portal →
We currently work in partnership with a number of professional businesses including accountancy firms who engage with their clients regarding business protection insurance.
If you would like to discuss in more detail how we can help your small business clients, please contact me on 07714980112 or email
Tom Conner
Director at Drewberry
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