Outstanding Tasks Tab, Improved Benefit Selection Menu & Employee Tool Tips Now Live 🎉

Exciting news! We have launched not just 1, but 3 great new updates to the My.Drewberry platform.

What’s New?

  • Outstanding Actions Tab :: View All Tasks In One Location
    There is now a dedicated ‘Outstanding Tasks’ tab giving you a holistic view of all tasks in one place. Find out more >>
  • Employee Relationship Tool Tip :: Easily Identify Staff
    Ever had multiple employees with the same name? The new Employee Relationship Tool Tip takes the guesswork out of identifying who’s who. Find out more >>
  • Improved Selection Management :: Employee Details At Your Fingertips
    View and amend employee details and benefits easily from within tasks and selections, with the new Benefits Selection Menu. Find out more >>

These fantastic new features are designed to empower you, making task and employee management easier. They aim to streamline your administrative processes, freeing up your time so you can focus on what really matters – strategic initiatives that drive your business forward 💪.

How Employee Benefits Technology Should Be. Made With ❤️