⭐️ Coming Soon :: Payroll & P11D Reporting ⭐️

We’re excited to introduce an upcoming feature that will be a game changer for the way you manage employee benefits through our platform.

Our new Payroll & P11D Reporting Tab is designed to streamline the administration of benefits deductions, making your payroll processes smoother and more transparent.

What’s New?

  • Comprehensive Deductions Overview
    Quickly view all payroll deductions in one place, including both employer and employee contributions
  • Detailed Reporting
    Access detailed reports for each payroll period. Whether it’s P11D deductions, net or gross amounts, you’ll have the information you need at your fingertips
  • Effortless Tracking
    Easily track and manage payroll deductions across different periods and categories, ensuring accuracy.

This feature will be available soon in the reporting section of the admin panel. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to enhance your benefits administration like never before 🙌

For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out to your employee benefits consultant.

How Employee Benefits Technology Should Be. Made With ❤️