
How Does Reporting Work For Payroll Deductions?

When configuring your My.Drewberry platform we will set-up your payroll reporting based on your payroll frequency and cut-off date. Our system can support many payrolls across varying frequencies whet...

Using Notes Alongside Benefit Administration

Here’s how My.Drewberry Notes work alongside your benefits admin. Notes And Benefit Management 🤝 A Dream Audit Trail Your My.Drewberry portal automatically tracks and timestamps any actions that ...

List Of Current HR Platform Integrations

The platform integrates with a significant number of the most popular HRIS platforms to ensure all your data is synced up and you only have to worry about keeping it up to date in one place. What is a...

Uploading A Single Employee

Need to add a new employee to your My.Drewberry platform? No problem. We’re here to talk you through how to add a single employee quickly and easily. There are several ways to add employees to the M...

Bulk Uploading Employee Data

Make admin a little easier by bulk uploading your employees’ data to the My.Drewberry system. See how it all comes together… 🤩 There are several ways to add employees to the My.Drewberry pl...

Setting A Leaver

Ensuring company leavers are removed from benefits and schemes is important for benefit management and record keeping. Find out how to set a leaver here 🤩 Keeping track of leavers is just as import...

How Employee Benefits Technology Should Be. Made With ❤️